“Feel Good Campaign” – Victoria Womens Portraits
16th September 2017
I loved working with Bella M for her “Feel Good Campaign” session! Here a few words from this incredible women, mother of 3 and someone who is taking her fight with cancer to the next level and seeing the beauty in herself, even after something that has left her physically scarred. You are such a […]
Outdoor Boudoir Victoria B.C. : “Of the Sea”
23rd August 2017
Its been one of those summers where I blinked, and it was almost gone. Busy with clients and family life, I had a moment, while watching the sun set in the wildfire skies, Eureka! I have not done an outdoor shoot this year! We had to fix that. I am so thankful I have met […]
Bella R’s ‘Between the Sheets” Boudoir Session
22nd October 2015
This past June we had our “Between the Sheets” marathon at the studio. One of our clients that day, floored us with enthusiasm and energy for her shoot. She was so great to work with. Bella Beauty Babe, Nicole Murray, gave her a retro inspired look! It was a favourite look, one we talk about […]