5 Reasons To Do A Boudoir Session When You’re Over 40 (And Fabulous)! | Bella Boudoir | Victoria BC Photographer
5 Reasons To Do A Boudoir Session When You’re Over 40 (And Fabulous)! | Bella Boudoir | Victoria BC Photographer
Here at Bella Boudoir we truly believe that boudoir photography is for everyone. Every body type, every skin tone, every identity, everyone whether they are in their 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, and beyond… If you are over 40 and thinking about doing a boudoir session we say: GO FOR IT! You won’t regret it and you most certainly don’t need a reason – we know you are already fabulous!
However if you are on the fence, we have compiled a list of 5 reasons why a boudoir session might be for you. (And trust us there are millions)!
1. You want to celebrate yourself!
So you’re feeling good about yourself? Hell yeah! Many of our clients are in the same boat as you and just want to seize the moment to celebrate themselves and document it. You will forever have your images to look back on to remind yourself that – YOU ARE FABULOUS!

2. It’s been on your bucket list forever!
Also we understand that life is busy and a boudoir session just hasn’t been at the top of your priority list (but it is something that you have always wanted to do)! And / or you haven’t felt comfortable quite yet and it’s taken sometime to build the amazing confidence you now have! Well, there’s no time like the present girl! If a boudoir session is something you’ve always wanted to do, we say do it! 🙂

3. It’s now or never!
In the same vein as seizing the moment, some of our clients feel like their bodies are moving into a different season as they age and feel like it’s now or never! A boudoir session is the perfect way to capture the beautiful stage of life you are in now.

4. You’ve just reached a fitness goal!
On the other hand, we also have clients that choose to do a boudoir session because they are in the best shape they have ever been in, in their life! For instance – if you have just run a marathon, climbed a mountain, or completed a goal at the gym we are ready to celebrate with you!

5. You’ve hit a milestone in your self-love journey!
Ugh. Self-love. We understand that it can be so hard and sometimes even takes a lifetime to find. Some of our clients have struggled with body image their whole life and are only now starting to love their bodies. Therefore, we say – it is never too late to start loving yourself! A boudoir session is a beautiful way to throw those insecurities to the wind! Why? Because you are deserving of self-love of course!

Photography: Juliana for Bella Boudoir
Makeup Artist for model with pixie cut: Nicole Murray Makeup
Makeup Artist for model with shoulder length blond hair: Melanie Baird